Mining is one of the major causes of water pollution as mining activities consume large volumes of water for mineral processing and metal recovery. Effluents discharged by this industry contains a complex mixture of contaminants coming from acid mine discharge, processing chemicals and also contains heavy metals such as arsenic, cobalt, copper, cadmium, lead, chromium, nickel, silver, zinc and cyanide. Furthermore, mine tailing is another important pollutant discharged during the metal recovery process. Water contaminated with high concentrations of metals, sulphide minerals, dissolved solids, or salts, when discharged without effective treatment, can negatively affect surface water quality, aquatic ecosystems, groundwater quality and pH of water.

Aksharaganaga has the technology and expertise to help mining industries not only dispose safe water but also match environmental norms and regulations. The key benefits of the solution are:

Zero Liquid Discharge without evaporation and incineration

Effective treatment without chemicals (No – chemical process)

Totally automated process with little or no intervention required

Agglomerate particles as small as 0.01 µm in water to 10 µm to 1.5 mm and filtered through conventional aids.

Fully removes Arsenic, Cyanide and Heavy Metals

Affordable operational cost

Inert sludge can be easily handled and disposed