Pharmaceutical industry is one of the major industries causing water pollution, generating gallons of wastewater depending upon the process employed and product manufactured. Drug manufacturing industries discharge significant quantities of organic compounds, solvents such as Methanol, Acetone, Toluene, Ethanol, Ethyl Acetate etc. and inorganic solids such as Sodium, chloride, sulphates, silica etc. Usually the concentration of COD in the waste water produced by the pharmaceutical industry is around 5000 – 15000 mg/L, the concentration of BOD5 is relatively low, and the ratio of BOD5/COD is lower than 30% which means the wastewater has a poor biodegradability. Such wastewater has a bad color and high (or low) pH value, and it needs a strong treatment method.

Water with high levels of pollutants caused by poor design, operation or treatment systems creates major environmental problems to surface water and land. The conventional municipal WWTPs, which are primarily used for pharmaceutical effluent treatment, are unable to completely remove all contaminants, especially micro-pollutants. In addition to the environmental hazards, it can also directly impact GMP compliance for the manufacture of medicinal products. Therefore, manufacturers need to know how to effectively treat pharmaceutical wastewater.

Aksharaganga offers solutions based on a patented technology to effectively process the wastewater within discharge norms, at an affordable cost, and in a fully automated process, which is easy to operate. The key benefits of the solution are:

Zero Liquid Discharge without evaporation and incineration

Effective treatment without chemicals (No – chemical process)

Totally automated process with little or no intervention required

93% – 97% recovery of water which can be re-used

Reduce COD and BOD by 90% +

Agglomerate particles as small as 0.01 µm in water to 10 µm to 1.5 mm and filtered through conventional aids.

Works over a wide pH range.

Clots sodium, potassium and non-flocculating or non-coagulating materials like benzene, toluene or similar complex organic compounds can also be thrombolated and removed.

Produces inert sludge which can be easily handled

Very small space requirements.

Affordable operational costs